The Abilities EXPO

This is an excellent organization that offers a comprehensive 
amount of information and the ability to try new products as 
well as stories about some impressive, positive individuals 
impacting our world with their determination and grit. I’ve 
been uplifted reading these stories. See community news tab 
for all these amazing stories.



The main focus conferences around the US in seven cities or
new products and services or on display for everyone to come
and see and try was free admitted admittance. It’s a great
way try everything in one location and connect with some
services in your area that you might not be aware of.
I’ve been very impressed with the featured individuals over
the years doing amazing things that are featured in the Expo
site as well.

Each city also offers an ambassador at the event who are
active, doing individuals who are worthwhile to meet. Each of
these ambassadors are leading to improve opportunities for
our community.

I plan to be at the one in Chicago for sure in June.
Additionally, on out this site is a marketplace with specific
products for the handicap community. Check it out.

2023 Schedule


      • Los Angeles Expo


            • March 10-12, 2023

            • With so much to see and do, one attendee called it Disability Wonderland!

        • New York Metro Expo


              • May 5-7, 2023

              • Three days. One roof. Endless opportunities.

          • Chicago Expo


                • June 23-25, 2023

                • Discover the latest tech, workshops, dance, sports, service animals and more!

            • Houston Expo


                  • August 4-6, 2023

                  • Come for the products! Stay for the fun!

              • Phoenix Expo


                    • September 8-10, 2023

                    • Cutting-edge products, education and fun to bridge the gap between ability and disability.

                • Ft. Lauderdale Expo


                      • October 13-15, 2023

                      • Meet new friends. Talk with experts. Fun for the whole family!

                  • Dallas Expo


                        • December 1-3, 2023